Ready To Release Your Song?

Apply For Your FREE Mix!

Unlock the full potential of your music with our limited-time offer, designed exclusively for artists who demand perfection.

How It Works 🔊

1️⃣ Submit Your Song

Provide an unmixed version of your song that you feel best represents your work.

2️⃣ Review Period

Within 1-2 business days, you’ll be contacted whether your track has been approved or denied.

3️⃣ Approval or Feedback

Approved: Congrats! You’ll receive your mix 100% free of charge, with the option to upgrade for mastering to take your track to the next level.

Denied: Don’t lose heart! Book a 15-min Mix Review with our expert engineers to receive specific feedback on your sound quality, making your song most likely to succeed when mixed.

Pro Mixing Service 🎚️

Be one of the first 5 to sign up and receive a FREE professional mix that elevates your song to radio and streaming quality 🔥

High-Quality Sound 🔊

Our expert mixing ensures your track sounds polished, dynamic, and ready for the airwaves. Experience professional quality mixing that brings out the best in your music.

Fast Turnaround 💨

When approved, your perfected mix returned in just 2-3 days. We value your time and strive to deliver exceptional results swiftly.

Exceptional Value 👍

This service, normally valued at $175+ for a 2-track mix, is available to you for FREE! It's our way of demonstrating the unmatched quality you can expect from our sound production company.

Submit Your Application

Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to showcase your talent with a professional mix that makes your music stand out. Apply now and let us help you take your sound to the next level!

Meet Your New Engineer


10+ Years Experience

Musician & Recording Artist

Pro-Tools & Logic Pro X Certified

© All Rights Reserved - Geekskwaad Productions 2024